The Review of Income and Wealth

Journal of the International Association
for Research in Income and Wealth
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Table of Contents - 1980, Series 26
Milton Moss
Social Challenges to Economic Accounting and Economic Challenges to Social Accounting  (280Kb)
Robert Summers, Irving B. Kravis and Alan Heston
International Comparison of Real Product and Its Composition: 1950-77  (787Kb)
Ramesh Chander, S. Gnasegarah, and Graham Pyatt
Social Accounts and the Distribution of Income: The Malaysian Economy in 1970  (337Kb)
Paul R. Gregory
Russian Living Standards During the Industrialization Era, 1885-1913  (325Kb)
L. Urdaneta de Ferran
Effect of Public Expenditures on Income Distribution with Special Reference to Venezuela  (134Kb)
Seth Lee Mel Ling
Shareholdings of Non-Personal Investors in Manufacturing Companies of Malaysia  (373Kb)
J. B. Broderick
Social Protection Accounts and their Relationship to the National Accounts  (250Kb)
John E. Cremeans
Consumer Services Provided by Business Through Advertising-Supported Media in the United States  (432Kb)
Angus Maddison
Monitoring the Labour Market: A Proposal for a Comprehensive Approach in Official Statistics, Illustrated by Recent Developments in France, Germany and the U.K.  (602Kb)
E. Bower Carty and D. Keith McAlister
Measurement Problems in the Changing Pattern of International Transactions, with Particular Reference to Canadian Experience  (256Kb)
Reino T. Hjerppe
Measurement of Real Output of Public Sector Services  (236Kb)
Announcements: IARIW Financial Report, 1979  (16Kb)251
Robert V. Kennedy
External Balance Sheets: Concepts and Empirical Approximation  (607Kb)
Michael E. Levy
Improving the Analytical and Data Framework of the Government Sector for National Goals Accounting  (222Kb)
Timothy Smeeding and Marilyn Moon
Valuing Government Expenditures: The Case of Medical Care Transfers and Poverty  (375Kb)
Derek W. Blades
Survey of Country Practices in Compiling Balance-Sheet Statistics  (194Kb)
J. B. D. Derksen
Measuring International and Inter-Sectoral Terms of Trade: Some Methodological Issues  (161Kb)
Christopher Saunders
Measures of Total Household Consumption  (269Kb)
Oswald Angermann
External Terms of Trade of the Federal Republic of Germany Using Differing Methods of Deflation  (294Kb)
Marianne A. Ferber and Bonnie G. Birnbaum
Housework: Priceless or Valueless?  (239Kb)
Gautam Datta and Jacob Meerman
Household Income or Household Income Per Capita in Welfare Comparisons  (313Kb)
Peter Praet
Impact of Capital Gains on the Distribution of Income in Belgium  (166Kb)
Edward F. Denison, John E. Cremeans, and Janice Peskin
Notes: Advertising and National Income—A Fable  (94Kb)
Roy H. Webb
Notes: A Difficulty in Interpreting the Personal Saving Rate  (48Kb)
Millard Long and Frank Veneroso
Notes: A Note on the Real Value of International Financial Assets: An Application to Non-Oil LDC Debt  (120Kb)
Announcements: In Memoriam, Kjeld Bjerke  (19Kb)449
Announcements: Preliminary Program, 17th General Conference  (49Kb)451

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